
Tracon 2017

Last weekend I went to an anime convention in Tampere with my fiancé and it was a fun but also super exhausting weekend. We did the whole cosplay thing and walked so much my legs were nothing but pain by the time we got on the train home. It also rained the whole weekend so that sucked a little bit.

Sea of umbrellas


We left to Tampere on a really early train since there were a couple of panels at the convention that evening already and they were video game related so naturally we needed to see them. We arrived hours before the panels would start or we could even check in to our hotel so we ended up wandering around the centre of Tampere quite a bit, ate great pizza and also visited a cat café! I'm pretty sure there were at least six cats and they were all very sleepy and lazy and adorable. 

The panels we saw were actually pretty interesting, first one was about working as a game artist which was right up my alley and the second one was about game design. My fiancé was very into the second panel since he wants to be a game developer too and he actually had the courage to chat with one of the panelists a little afterwards and got some nice advice. 


Actual convention adventure time! This was also our cosplay day and of course it was raining which kinda worried me because I was supposed to wear a curly wig and I was sure rain would ruin it. It survived though! Pretty amazing for a 10 dollar wig from ebay lol. As I mentioned in my summer wrap up post my cosplay was Claire from Outlander and my fiancé was a lizard wizard (he wore a Morrowind scarf I had made for him so people at the con pretty quickly decided he was an argonian).

There weren't really any panels we were interested in so all we did really was walk around the place and buy stuff. I walked through the artist alley so many times. Thanks to the rain the place was even more full of people than it would be on a good day so moving around was pretty hard and it was really hot even in my little white dress. I will forever wonder how people wearing cosplays with huge wings etc could get anywhere at the convention. I saw a lot of really impressive outfits on people (Overwatch characters were very popular, not surprisingly) but I was too shy to ask for pictures of any of them. 

After we got tired of the crowded building we headed back to the hotel and changed back to normal clothes, rested a little bit and went to check out the Finnish video game museum since the tickets were half price for anyone with the Tracon wristband. It was a pretty cool place, you got to actually try out all the old games they were showing there. I was pretty surprised to find out games like Legend of Grimrock and Max Payne are Finnish.

ALL the consoles!
After the museum we went back to the con place for a little bit and after that my dad took us to a Chinese restaurant which was a nice end to the day. We were so tired after all the walking.

We got fun cupcakes at the chinese place for some reason lol


Our last day at the convention ended up being even shorter than we had planned because we were already so tired from the day before so I basically just threw the last of my cash at the artist alley in like an hour and then we just went to get something to eat before our train leaves. The trip home ended up being a really annoying one, we had a seat kicking child sitting behind us and and the train was apparently in snail mode the whole time because there were constant announcements about it being more and more behind schedule and eventually we ended up getting home an hour later than we were supposed to. That was definitely my least favorite part of the weekend but at least we made it home! 

So yeah, it was a weekend full of adventure. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to see nearly all of my friends I knew were going to be there because it was impossible to spot anyone in the crowd and cosplays made people even harder to recognize. Better luck next time! 

My artist alley haul was pretty impressive (this isn't even all the things I bought since I also got a birthday present for Lauren which is a secret):



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