
The Gilmore Girls Book Tag

I saw Emmie doing this tag on her blog and since I'm a huge Gilmore Girls fan I obviously had to follow her example! The tag is apparently going around on Youtube as well if you wanna actually see people talking about this stuff. 

Soooo,  here we go!

Oh gosh I can think of so many... Tyrion Lannister is probably a good one for this! He's great.

I honestly have not read many classics... Probably none at all after high school. I think I liked the Picture of Dorian Grey the best of the few rare ones I've read.

I can't think of anything specific because I haven't really read anything I'd be super ashamed of I guess? Some of the trashier stuff probably goes on that list though. Like Ghost Planet by Sharon Lynn Fisher is probably the first scifi thing I actually remember reading when someone asks for recommendations in that genre and then I don't know if I should suggest it or not because it's got an interesting plot but it's smutty as heck.

Eliza from The One We Fell in Love With by Paige Toon! 

I remember having a crush on Sirius Black when I was first reading Harry Potter books.

I can think of at least two books from this year that I read really really fast. Ice Massacre by Tiana Warner which I read in like three days and Bubblegum by Sari Taurez which I also read in like a week. Both were more action-y things so that's probably why! It's funny that one is a book by a Tiana and the other has a character called Tiana lol.

I think the Outlander series kinda fits this one..? It has a lot of fans and I love it but I know it's reeeaaally not everyone's cup of tea.

Welp, this is a difficult one. I don't follow new releases and stuff a lot so I don't really get caught up in the hype with books a lot, I just read whatever I find interesting. I could think of plenty of video game and tv show examples though, except it's 4am and my mind is drawing a total blank. I'm sorry!

I'm poor I don't buy expensive things! But uh... Technically it's my fiancé's but since we share a bookshelf I can pick this one: The Art of Mass Effect Universe. Because I know art books are pricey, by my standards at least (he got it from a Reddit secret santa). 

Rose from The One We Fell in Love With maybe? It's been a while since I read it but I remember her being a bit like that, especially compared to Eliza.

I went ahead and photoshopped images for this tag because I like putting faces to names so if someone else decides to do this tag feel free to use them! And on that note, any Gilmore Girls fans should totally do this!

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